As I bought a selection of cans I needed to buy a selection of caps so I
could start building up the information for my cap guide and mini
books. Below are some images of the caps I bought, shot as a reference
to vector later on, with the description of what cap they are and what
line they produce.
Montana Level 4 fat cap - Grey with Black Dot
Great Fat cap from Montana. Perfect for fills +
Usefull for fades!
They are specifically designed for the Montana Cans brand of spray paint but Fit on all spray paint brands
They are specifically designed for the Montana Cans brand of spray paint but Fit on all spray paint brands
Montana Level 1 Thin Cap - White with
black dot
thinnest cap available from Montana.
Montana Super Skinny #2 -Black with grey Dot
Compared to the Black Micro, it is about the same in width, but a little softer and lighter, perhaps making it better suited for drippy brands
Montana Black Dots (a.k.a. Montana Level 1)- Grey with Black Dot
Black Dots are the same as grey dots, but just a little bit wider. Black dots make good outline caps for large high-pressure cans, and also low-pressure cans. Their spray is a little softer than the Black Micro, a little wider than the grey dot.
Montana Orange dot Level 5 fat cap - Green with orange dot
Produces a wide line (4cm - 15cm)
Illuminarty Outline Cap
I tried each cap out to test the thickness of each line and my results are below. From top to bottom of this post and left to right on my tests the caps follow in order.
Montana level 4 fatcap, Montana level 1 thin cap, Montana super skinny 2, Montana black dots, Montana orange dot level 5, Illuminarty Fat cap, Illuminarty outline cap.
Montana level 4 fatcap, Montana level 1 thin cap, Montana super skinny 2, Montana black dots, Montana orange dot level 5, Illuminarty Fat cap, Illuminarty outline cap.