Just found these really sweet illustrations of some birdcages, A good visual reference for my own work, I like how simplistic yet intricate the linework is, turning the birdcage into something that is exquisite. I really like the use of colour, the yellow green and blue balance each other out well.
Sunday, 22 April 2012
IMAGE: Eyechart // Eyechart
I found these two eye charts below, the one about bush amuses me the
most! The Noah's ark style pictogram eye chart works well because the
animals silhouettes are so recognizable.
IMAGE: Eyechart // Eyechart research
Some research into how the concept of a triangular descending series of characters or pictograms have been used in terms of design.
Charts usually display several rows of optotypes (test symbols), each row in a different size. The person is asked to identify the numbers or letters on the chart, usually starting with large rows and continuing to smaller rows until the optotypes cannot be reliably identified anymore.
Charts usually display several rows of optotypes (test symbols), each row in a different size. The person is asked to identify the numbers or letters on the chart, usually starting with large rows and continuing to smaller rows until the optotypes cannot be reliably identified anymore.
IMAGE: Book Brief // Hexagono
Hexagono is a publication about the Altamirano Public Walk Furniture designed by Emilio Marín in Valparaiso, Chile. The geometry of the public walk furniture is based in the hexagon and his geometric operations of adition, sustraction and intersection. The publication explore the technical especifications and shape of the Altamirano Public Walk Furniture.
IMAGE: Book Brief // The birth of a magazine
This video has been a big inspiration in my production of the zine/flick through book I'm making for the Book fair. I've watched this video like 3/4 times I love the bit where all the clocks are the same in the studio, It highlights all the processes that go into the making of a professional publication.
The main aspect of the video that I picked up on and that really caught my attention where the hand drawn clips of type. I like the detail in the letters and the subjects chosen to be woven into the contours of each character.
IMAGE: Eyechart // Birdcages
Just found this picture on Tumblr, apparently it was taken in Sydney as part of an art installation. I like the idea of the unusually hanging of objects and how they work with their environment united rather than individually.
IMAGE: 2d To 3d To 2d
Out of the random generation process we had on the go during the briefing for this 2d to 3d to 2d brief, I ended up with the word birdcage. Initially I thought this would be a horrific thing to construct as its very intricate and detailed, but after finding the images below I've got a bit more hope in terms of creating a birdcage out of an easy material to work with like paper or card. The creations below are exquisite and delicate, It looks like alot of time has gone into their production to keep them so crisp and clean cut. I wonder something like this could be cut flat on the laser cutter then popped into shape?
IMAGE: Type as Image Luke Lucas
Luke Lucas Is an Australian freelance creative, art director, illustrator, designer and typographer. His work astonishes me, everything is so crisp and spot on to a perfect detail whether it be the curvature in the bowl of a letter or the angle his subject matter is positioned. Baffled! I want to develop more skills down the same route as this!
IMAGE: Type as Image Luthers Branding
I found this on ffffound early, It caught my eye mainly because of the vintage approach to branding they've gone for, It fully communicates Texas to me. It's nice to see the initial stages of a design process rather than just a finished product, the initial drawings of the snake show you the foundations of the rendering to come and this inspires me.
IMAGE: Type as Image // Collection
Since the first weekly brief I've been coming across more and more type as image that appeals to me. I really think this is something I want to continuously work on and develop, Especially in terms of my self initiated brief. Below are a few collected images from far and wide, that I feel really communicate the approaches/styles of work that appeal to me in terms of type as image.
Saturday, 21 April 2012
IMAGE: Eyechart // Birdcages
Below is a collection of visual sources to work from for the eychart brief, I've found sketching them over and over and over has got me to understand the shape of the birdcage alot better and how it can be constructed on a page.