Saturday 1 September 2012

Summer : Museum Visits

Over summer I visited a selection of different museums, this is something I really enjoy doing especially when I was doing my art and design BTEC. I feel that starting the course my interests moved away from fine art, to take a more graphical approach, this summer gave me the time and opportunity to visit lots of different galleries and Museums. Below are a few of my photographs from a solo mission to Glasgow that I endeavored upon, I went to the Museum of Modern Art and the Kelingrove Art Gallery where I got to see Salvador Dhali's Christ.

 I thought the images below, would be ideal for the collaborative brief I have planned with Sadie, as a lot of the subject matter we have chosen to work with is looking at anatomy and mechanics.

 I also spent a couple of weekends staying with a friend just outside of Newcastle, this gave me the opportunity to visit a city I've never actually been to before plus I got alot of reference material for Third year. During my stay I managed to visit The Baltic, Laign and the Biscuit Factory.